Well it's a new year and I'm delighted to announce that Bathurst Island OC-173 is going to be my large scale remote IOTA adventure for 2014. Granite Island OC-228 will be my more local/closer IOTA Dxpedition.
I'll be QRV for 4 days and nights from August 26 to 29th.
OC-173 has not be activated since 1999 and is currently the second most wanted VK IOTA from the options I put forward on the http://vkiota.blogspot.com.au/ poll. So I'm hoping to make lots of DXers happy with this remote and exciting DXpedition from the Top End of Australia
Great News Craig. I just approved your Operation for August on the IOTA Website, and everyone will now see it under future Activations Planned. 73 Mate..Bruce N9BX